A Mom for Change!
A Mom for all of Ward 8!
“Inclusion is about all of us. Every Ward 8 child deserves to have a quality, equitable, inclusive and safe education." It is up to all of us to ensure our children are included, have access to equitable programming and making sure they are safe inside and outside of school.
Help support our campaign!
School Safety
LaJoy believes in prioritizing the use of de-escalation + restorative justice practices + appropriate accountability measures to fight our epidemic of youth violence in Ward 8 and around the city to ensure that efforts to make our community safer.
School Transparency
LaJoy believes that school transparency is paramount and essential to promoting accountability, informed decision-making, parental involvement, continuous improvement, and legal and ethical compliance.
Parent and Family Engagement
LaJoy believes that there is a need to prioritize enhancing parent engagement and involvement as essential components of student and school success. By prioritizing parent engagement, it will create stronger partnerships between schools and families, ultimately leading to improved academic outcomes and a more supportive learning environment for all students.
Special Education
LaJoy believes in the importance of ensuring that every student, regardless of their abilities, receives the support they need to thrive. Special education is a critical issue that requires careful attention and proactive measures to ensure equity, inclusion, and success for all students.